* represents artifacts made specifically for the series as props.
Given to us by an old neighbour, Rapunzel loves to knock things over, pull hair, bite and leave spots of blood all over the place. Who's blood it is is still a mystery.
This is the infamous chair that a man named Jordan built for my father when he was five. Jordan died in 1990 from cancer. Since then the chair has been known to move from place to place when no one is looking. It stopped moving after we placed his teddy bear Aarin on it.
The "From Hell" letter (also called the "Lusk letter") is a letter that was posted in 1888, along with half a human kidney, by a person who claimed to be the serial killer known as Jack the Ripper.
When worn they are known to possess the wearers hand forcing them to kill themselves or others.
Collected from the New York sewers circa 1990.
It sparkles.
It's a butter sock. Has mysterious magical properties. Don't know what they are though.